Friday, May 16, 2008

A Friendly tiff!

"A" is a very good friend of mine and has turned a poet lately.
Some conversations, highly inciting!
Please note the poems have been conjured within minutes to get back at each other.
Sniff sniff smelled Bow wow, as he is named
Poetry has emotions which cant b tamed
Need to hv love, hate, force to decieve
U mite get fooled, it aint easy to percieve
Competition blinds u from true emotion
No war bt love, u can't force
Ders no love potion

Seen d poetic giants nd d literary freaks
Can't keep it simple
Without large vocab nd bookish leaks

Don't know literary ton or 'booker'ish punn
Bt I can't leave till its done
wat words can't end
Will end a gun!!!!!!

P.s. No offense, it ws jus for fun!!!!

(May the 13th, 2008)

Encore. Encore
My words jus hv feelings which pour
No bounds, no refrains
All d restrain I tore!!!

For weed der aint no need
I can't get high on music either
Bt love is a force, need to let it flow
For whom u mite not kno, bt will make d heart glow!!!

In my case though
Even I don't know!!!

(May the 13th, 2008)

Poet is nt me
Faces I can't see
Sittin in d summer heat
I try to figure out my destiny.

Pure fr sure,v call it love
Seem to b like a dove
Fly so high to d distant sky
Wil b in my reach before I die

People come ppl go
sum friend sum foe
Each one a star in d sky
Is it truth or a lie?

Some drink
Some smoke
Stuff u hv is no joke
Life is urs,u'll hv to mend
Else nanavati ICU is where u will end!

Simple as can b
Things all can see
No illusion
No confusion
Life we know, is for a reason

Things I see
Things I rite
May open ur heart nd ur site
And u'll too see the distant lite!!!!

(Mat the 13th, 2008)

A: (After the Jaipur Blasts, may the 13th, 2008.R.I.P!)
Rest in peace to all who lost their lives,
And we will support all the lucky ones who survived!!!!

Bloodshed, pain and destruction,
Love and compassion bcame victims of abduction

IPL in its distinctive glory'
Jaipur streets mourn a different story
Peace n humanity seem to b only in dreams
Hw can v ignore d echoing screams!!!!

End with a gun
Was jus a pun
Dint no it b so true
Blood filled streets where v once grew!!

(May the 13th, 2008)

Note: This was just a taste of how beautiful a poet "A" is.
Now on its Jugalbandi!

mf u r too good.("A")..
and "Y" its not a joke ........I survived!!!
t, a b

(May the 13th, 2008)

All my friends thanx a ton
Bt it won't end till m done

No special power
No intelectual tone
My words r deep emotions
Which my heart moan!!!

(May the 13th, 2008)

Frends turn into foe
By individuals who cnsidr world a hoe

Fake coolness n funky talk
Do u even remember d last time u had a friendly walk?

Callin words nd fakin voice
We can't hear it
For us its jus noise

If frends u seek
U need to change rader callin oders freak
Ur attitude belong on a restrictd shelf
Try findin n becomin ur real self!!!

(May the 13th, 2008)

"A" thanks a ton....but it is not me any more,it is you guys, i try, but you guys just kill it everytime.

You may say no offence,
but really is that your best defence.

I may be the spark,
you be the fuel.
The fire fiend,
but I still called you a friend.

you may be super cool
believe I am not a fool.

you might be jupiter or juno,
remember always it shall be me, the numero uno.

god bless!!!
I will not say no offence, cause believe me there is none.
- hal
t, a b

(May the 14th, 2008)

My bad
I no its sad
Miss d fun v once had

Celestial charm I mite not knoe
Round is d way this earth go
Ever took time to hear d wind blow?
Guess not
'KATORAS' u bore, made frends u nvr know!!

Who dint help u , wt did u try
Calling ppl names, ignoring der cry

I messed our frendship
Cos I say wat I feel
Ppl think a lot n always kneel

Its k, I take d blame
Bt u must kno...... Its not me who's lame!!!!!!!

(May the 14th, 2008)

I might be lame,
I never tried for fame.
I played, I won the game.
Fair and square, no shame!
- halayudh
tornado, always bravado!

(May the 14th, 2008)

word war 1

(May the 14th, 2008)


I'd love to be germany,
I wouldn't call you honey.
Cause it is where my allegiance lie,
atleast I'm not somebody who lies!

I may not sound funny,
eat me half-fry.
I may wince, cry;
but I stand straight my head held high!
- halayudh
tornado, always bravado!

(May the 14th, 2008)

Bfore I react I rather die
Truth seems lie to d faded eye

Beauty n d beast is here in d makin
Friendly vows r urs fr d takin

No apology no disgrace
Say wt u may, I will embrace

I know its jus a waste of time
Hope one day ull c d friendly sign
No use arguing , it hardly matter
Live ur fantasy life , if it makes u feel btr!

U do wt u want.. Its n open highway
Asphalt is burnin.. N I'll roll it my way!!!!!!!

(May the 14th, 2008)

strong emotions can bring out such awesome poetry! must keep prodding and poking u guys at regular intervals ;)

(May the 14th, 2008)

had you meant it,
then you are already dead.
Beauty remains untouched,
the beast well fed.

friendly vows are mine for the taking,
believe me my friend this time you are the one who's faking!

What ever I give you, you may embrace,
What did thou give me, lest disgrace.
I was just walking, you started the race.
Head shot, left a hole in the face.

You are missing the same thing,
that misses my eye.
I called you a friend,
Hence I had to cry.

To the world you may seem like a star,
believe me victory seems far.

People think you are still Jupiter or Juno.
What they still forget, who's numero uno?
- halayudh
tornado, always bravado!

(May the 14th, 2008)

Numero uno, u'll always b
No1s behind u, dis u must c!

Hv seen tears, hv heard cries
Were u to blame or ur psychodelic highs?

Farewell my friend wid u m thru
None is lie each word is tru

Time and fate will fill up d hole
May god hv mercy on ur soul!!!

(May the 14th,2008)

All this was fake,
my last hope.
may all of us rise in the wake,
Neither me nor you are the pope.

Was it worth it,
was it right?
be it me or my psychedelic high.

I remember those days,
my balls swollen,
i still didnt cry,
coz it was a friend who said hi.

The messages meant each word they were,
i hope the bad ones fade, but the good ones hear.

This is one final say,
it is still sunshine
lets make hay.

u say you're through, but i am not.
will u say yes to the hand that was lost.

I extend my arms,
as wide as creed.
Lets be together,
I hope this time you pay some heed.

- a true friend

(May the 14th, 2008)

You always said
you were straight.
why all this trouble?
where is the haste?

The world can't see straight.
Turn on the lights,
why leave it to fate?

As long as it was hate,
you were fast, my mate.

When I extend my hand,
why do you say its your land?

Once more I try,
without a howl or cry.

The ball comes rolling into your court,
I have to go to sea, come fast, I wait at the port.

- A true friend.

(May the 14th, 2008)

You still don't get it,
it just doesn't fit.
come on on do your bit,
my hand is extended register a hit.

The world says I am farce,
I don't give a fuck.
When you say the same,
the memories pluck.

- halayudh
tornado, always bravado!

(May the 15th, 2008)

Mr halayudh aka t10
U'l get d answer bt I can't say wen

Dn mind me I've gone insane
Tears got dissolved in stormy rain
My heart seem bonded in a nostalgic chain

Let time pass on dis wicked lane
Someday some1 will ease dis pain!!!!

(May the 15th, 2008)

N HALLU followin goes out to u
Aftr a stormy night
D day cums up bright

No need of a fightCoz
everythings gonna b alright!!!!

(18 hours ago)

I didn't reply i just made this post!
- halayudh
tornado, always bravado!

God Bless us All!
Henri Fayol's Fourteenth Principle:
"Esprit de Corps"(Team Spirit)
We at 55 say it in another way
none of US is as strong as ALL of US!

- @#!@$==booker==@#!@$


I.D. said...

even i want a wall clock that says that!

@#!@$==booker==@#!@$ said...

for i,
It wasn't coming in gmail!
- @#!@$==booker==@#!@$